Our Adoption Story: "Strength, Love and Conviction"

Morgan Hayes
Johns Creek, GA

There is really only one agency in Georgia we could adopt from. The other either outwardly ban gay couples, or just subtly don't help them. Our agency contracted out our home study to a woman that was only accepting of a traditional Christian household. It made for a difficult home study that I needed to have edited for accuracy for the state to finally approve.

My adopted daughter already had a failed adoptive placement. They decided she needed a home without males, which made her really hard to place. They were wary of a single mother household because of her trauma behaviors. Her caseworker was so thrilled when a same sex couple was matched with my daughter. Through therapeutic parenting and a lot of trial and error our daughter now has strong healthy relationships with multiple safe males.

Children like my daughter need homes. They need a chance. Same sex couples offer as much love and safety as a heterosexual couple. We have strength, and love and conviction and these children need us. There are so many children in care, we shouldn't be turning away any homes.